Over the past few decades, more and more stringent standards have been enforced for the industries generating effluents with high organic and inorganic nitrogen. Biochemical nitrification of industrial wastewater is a two-step process involving two different types of microorganisms. These microorganisms have low cell yield and poor flocculating properties. Moreover, these microorganisms are sensitive to environmental conditions within the reactor e.g., pH, salinity, presence of toxic and inhibitory substances, and COD: N ratios. Due to the complex nature of industrial effluents, achieving stable nitrification is often a challenge due to frequent washouts and inhibition effects of the wastewater matrix itself. The application of Levapor Technology allows for the retention of a very high amount of nitrification biomass within the biological reactor. Carbon impregnation and inner porosity of Levapor carriers also provides protection against toxic shock loads, changing hydraulic and organic loading conditions under a wide range of physico-chemical properties specific to industrial effluents.

Factors affecting nitrification of industrial wastewater:

Problems associated with nitrification of industrial wastewater:

  • Biomass washout due to poor flocculation
  • Lower degree of nitrification due to disturbed process
  • Complete inhibition due to qualitative and quantitative fluctuations of pollutants, changing pH and temperature

Levapor Carriers: An ideal remedy For Industrial Nitrification

Due to its very high adsorbing capacity because of activated carbon and higher inner porosity along with fine pore structure, Levapor carriers have distinct advantages over conventional suspended growth-based technologies for nitrification of industrial effluents.

Benefits Of Levapor Supported Nitrification Process

  • Faster colonization and retention of highly active nitrifying biomass
  • Higher nitrification kinetics and reduction efficiencies
  • Higher resistance against toxic and inhibitory substances due to activated carbon
  • Faster biodegradation of inhibitory pollutants resulting in their reduced toxicity on nitrification
  • Highly stable nitrification process over a wide range of pH, salinity, temperature, COD: N ratio

As shown in the graph above, by immobilizing biomass on Levapor carriers resulted in reduced negative effects of toxic substances and salinity. Due to the combined impact of reduced inhibitory effect and higher amount of active biomass present on Levapor carriers, the reduction and process stability increased remarkably for Levapor carriers-based reactors compared to suspended growth reactors.

For an Agro chemical manufacturer, despite having active pesticides and toxic substances, high salinity, and higher TKN levels in their effluent, Levapor supported nitrification process achieved the lowest possible Ammonia (NH4.N < 5 ppm) in the treated effluent.

Our expert team of professionals comprising the chairperson of the German DWA Industrial Nutrient Reduction Committee can help your organization to develop an efficient, economical, and stable nitrification process that delivers results for your specific effluents. To know more, connect with our team.

Author Bio

Amit Christian is a MSc graduate in Environment Science from Middlesex University, London, UK. He has been active in the field of water and wastewater treatment since 1998. He specializes in the design, engineering, and management of various biological wastewater treatments such as Activated Sludge Process (ASP), Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR), Moving Bed Bio Reactor (MBBR), and Integrated Fixed Film Activated Sludge (IFAS). He has helped various Industrial and Municipal clients in troubleshooting, and optimizing their biological wastewater treatment processes to achieve the latest Stringent norms for Ammonia Removal.