IFAS Process: A truly Hybrid process bringing benefits of both suspended and attached growth process together

Conventionally with floating attached growth process, MBBR (Moving Bed Bio Reactor) configuration is a popular choice. In MBBR no sludge recycle is practiced and all reduction is obtained via biomass attached on the media.

However, over the past few decades, IFAS (Integrated Fixed Film Activated Sludge) process is gaining momentum due to its hybrid configuration and specific benefits the process provides to the wastewater treatment plants. IFAS process with textile sheets, cord media and other fixed in place media has been around the scene quite for a long time and has been successfully applied for the upgradation of existing overloaded activated sludge plants.

Though originally developed for the upgradation of existing activated sludge plants, the hybrid process configuration can be applied for the new plants as well.

How IFAS Process works?

As the title suggests IFAS technology is nothing but an activated sludge process with attached growth media added to the aeration basin. Thus, in IFAS process, MLSS is kept in the aeration tank just like conventional activated sludge process and attached growth media is added to it. This addition of attached growth media in different forms enhance the efficiency of the aeration tank by providing additional biomass in the aeration tank.

working of ifas process
Fig 1: Working of IFAS process

Advantages of IFAS Process:

Due to a combination of both attached growth as well as suspended growth based activated sludge process, IFAS process provides distinct advantages compared to stand alone attached growth or activated sludge process alone.

    • Truly Hybrid process which provides biodegradation through both Suspended as well as Attached biomass.removal mechanism of ifas system

Due to presence of biomass both on attached growth media and in the MLSS present in suspension, IFAS process provides higher volumetric reduction which reduces the wastewater treatment plant footprint significantly.

    • Help reduces clarifier solids loading rates as much of the biomass is retained within the reactor on Attached growth media.

As a lot of active biomass fraction is retained on the attached growth media added to the IFAS reactor, the IFAS process configuration helps in reducing clarifier solids loading as much of the biomass is retained within the reactor on attached growth media.

    • Provides development of diverse microbial community structure which improves the process performance enhancing toxic and shock load response of the process.

Because of its hybrid nature, IFAS process allows development of a diverse community of microbes responsible for the degradation of a wide range of organic pollutants present in different wastewater generating from both industries as well as municipalities. Due to biofilm formation on attached growth IFAS media, retention of poorly flocculating biomass in the biological reactor is feasible which allows for improved reduction efficiencies. Under toxic shock load conditions, the diversity of microbial community allows speedy process recovery and thus IFAS process has much better toxic shock load response compared to conventional technologies.

    • Provides a wide range of operating window in for MLSS, F/M ratio and thus makes it most suitable process configuration for scenarios where there is high seasonal as well as spatial fluctuations in organic and hydraulic loading.

Any wastewater treatment plant receives a seasonal and spatial fluctuations of organic loading which requires adjustment of key process parameters of MLSS, FM ratio and SRT for optimum reduction efficiency and better biomass settling properties. In a conventional activated sludge process, which receives a high level of seasonal fluctuations, maintaining these parameters may become difficult.      

However, as IFAS process allows retention of biomass both in suspension as well as on IFAS media, by varying the MLSS as well as attachment/detachment of biomass from the IFAS media, a wide range of MLSS, F/M ratio conditions can be developed in the biological reactor.

    • Provides same flow sheet and operational philosophy as Conventional Activated Sludge Process and thus allows the useful and effective utilization of existing knowledge of Activated Sludge Process

Any IFAS process is nothing but simple activated sludge process with attached growth IFAS media added in it. Thus, it provides the same flow sheet and operational philosophy as conventional activated sludge process. Any process engineers or plant operator having reasonable knowledge of activated sludge can operate the IFAS process without any specialized process knowledge.

    • Improves Settling Properties of Sludge with lower SVI values and thus improving clarifier performances.

Due to diversity of microbial community within the IFAS reactor, sludge settling properties are improved drastically with lower SVI values and better clarity of the treated effluents. This results in a much lower post treatment OPEX associated with any reuse and recycle.

Types of IFAS Media used:

Traditionally IFAS process solutions have been developed using variety of fixed in place type of attached growth media like:

  • Ropesriglace media
  • Textile Curtainstextile curtains
  • Flat Sheets made of different plastic materials

However, though these media provide better reduction, due to its stationary position in the aeration tanks, at times they face excessive biomass growth on it. Once the biomass growth becomes too thick, it causes development of nuisance organisms which otherwise deteriorates the reduction. Further the penetration of substrate to and from the biofilms gets reduced as thickness of the biofilms increases. This phenomenon further reduces the reduction efficiency for fixed in place type of IFAS media.

Over the past few years, floating MBBR media for biological process has been developed which helps to overcome these difficulties present in the fixed in place type of IFAS media.

Thus, past few years have seen a significant development and application of floating MBBR media for the design and development of IFAS process.

IFAS or MBBR? Which Process? How to select specific process configuration

ifas vs mbbr

When floating media is considered for both MBBR and IFAS process, it raises a concern whether to select MBBR or IFAS. It is to be noted that when floating media is used, IFAS process is nothing but MBBR process with sludge recycle to maintain MLSS in the suspended phase.

However, there are certain specific points one can consider while selecting MBBR or IFAS process for their wastewater treatment requirement.

While designing an MBBR process using plastic media, it is generally assumed that reduction efficiencies are result of the biomass present on the media and thus virtually there is no reduction from the biomass detached from the media.

When a MBBR process designed for a short HRT for an application like BOD reduction only, then this general design assumption might be valid. Thus, applying a MBBR process with plastic media for simple a low loaded BOD reduction plant might be useful as it may allow a simplified process with no sludge recycle. Such standalone MBBR may also allow application of clarification units like lamella or DAF for solids separation.

Application of MBBR Technology

  • BOD reduction requiring shorter HRTs.
  • Space is restraint for conventional clarifiers or where chemical addition in the solid’s separation step is permissible.
    MBBR application for BOD COD reduction
    Fig. 2 Once through MBBR application for BOD COD reduction at short HRT

However, for certain industrial application where the overall HRTs requirement for the pollutant reduction is higher due to inherent properties of the effluent, the assumption of MBBR design that there is no reduction from the suspended biomass present in the reactor doesn’t stand valid. When HRTs are large enough, it is also advisable to exploit the reduction efficiencies of suspended phase by maintaining certain levels of MLSS in the suspended phase.

Thus, for industrial effluents where MBBR process has much higher HRT requirement, shifting to IFAS process and running the floating media-based reactors with IFAS process configuration helps reduce the footprint further because volumetric reduction efficiencies are increased due to higher reduction from both suspended and attached growth phase.

In cases when ammonia nitrogen is required to remove from wastewater, application of MBBR has certain disadvantages. Due to once through process, MBBR process with Denitrification application requires Anoxic reactors with attached growth media for denitrification. Under anoxic conditions as air can not be employed for agitation and mixing, special mixing equipment requirement makes the application of MBBR media in Anoxic reactors quite costly. 

Further, due to denitrifying bacteria growing on the media, the substrate gradient for BOD penetration is difficult to maintain and adding denitrification substrate like ethanol or methanol is must for Anoxic MBBR. Moreover, when Bio-P reduction is required, MBBR process is not much helpful because micro-organisms responsible for Bio-P reduction can not be fixed on biofilms and thus maintaining them in suspension is must which require sludge recycle and thus in such scenario IFAS process is more suitable.

nitrogen reduction MBBR
Fig. 3. Typical Nitrogen reduction MBBR with Chemical P reduction

Disadvantages of MBBR Process

  • Anoxic Denitrification reactor requires media addition which further requires additional mixing arrangement and addition of ready food for denitrification bacteria.
  • Bio-P reduction is not feasible with MBBR process configuration as there is no sludge recycle and thus maintaining biomass for Bio-P uptake is not possible.

IFAS : An Ideal Process Configuration for Industrial Effluents, Biological Nutrient Reduction (BNR) and Bio-P Reduction

While IFAS process which is a hybrid process configuration, provides distinct advantages over conventional MBBR process for applications such as treatment of industrial effluents and biological nutrient reduction requiring nitrification, denitrification, and Bio-P reduction processes.

typical A2O process configuration with IFAS process for Bio-P and nitrogen reduction
Fig 4: Typical A2O process configuration with IFAS process for Bio-P and Nitrogen reduction

Advantages of IFAS Process over MBBR Process:

advantages of IFAS process over MBBR process
  • IFAS process allows higher volumetric reduction efficiencies compared to once through MBBR system due to reduction obtained both in suspended and attached growth phase. This higher volumetric loading results in lower footprint of industrial effluents requiring large HRTs.
  • For Ammonia Nitrogen reduction process, Denitrification process can be designed with suspended biomass and without addition of any MBBR media or readily available substrate for denitrification.
  • IFAS process can be configured for Bio-P reduction with conventional process concepts like A2O or BardenPho process as utilized with activated sludge process.

Application of IFAS Process:

application of ifas process

Being a hybrid process, IFAS process can be virtually applied for all biological wastewater treatment reduction application. Some of the major applications of IFAS process can be summarized as below.

Author Bio

Amit Christian is a MSc graduate in Environment Science from Middlesex University, London, UK. He has been active in the field of water and wastewater treatment since 1998. He specializes in design, engineering, and management of various biological wastewater treatments such as Activated Sludge Process (ASP), Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR), Moving Bed Bio Reactor (MBBR), Integrated Fixed Film Activated Sludge (IFAS). He has helped various Industrial and Municipal clients in troubleshooting , optimizing their biological wastewater treatment processes to achieve latest Stringent norms for Ammonia Removal.