Levapor MBBR/IFAS media provides very high surface area, high inner porosity and a very high adsorption capacity. This unique combination of properties allow to retain beneficial micro organisms for a wide range of pollutants biodegradation. Combining our expertise and years of experience in biological process development with Levapor carriers, the technology can be applied for almost any biological wastewater treatment requirement. The technology is ideal for COD reduction and Nitrification of complex difficult to biodegrade effluents and municipal wastewater treatment.

How Levapor technology can be applied for wastewater treatment ?


Levapor carriers based aerobic biological wastewater treatment solutions are offered as IFAS(Integrated Fixed Film Activated Sludge) process configuration. In this process configuration, MLSS is also kept in the suspended phase along with Levapor carriers using RAS (Returned Activated Sludge) as practiced in the conventional activated sludge process. This combination of both suspended growth and attached growth process makes Levapor IFAS a truly hybrid process bringing advantages of both attached growth and suspended growth processes.

Biodegradation Of persistent organic pollutants

Effluents generating from different industrial activities contain persistent, difficult to biodegrade pollutants in it. These pollutants have complex molecular structure and varying degree of biodegradability. The wastewater matrix is also of challenging nature due to presence of high salinity, toxic inhibitory substances which reduces biological activities of micro organisms a lot resulting in lower reduction efficiencies.

Biodegradation of persistent organic pollutants under such inhibitory and suboptimal conditions poses a principal issues as complex molecules require typically a consortia of micro organisms having different roles and tasks to perform for the biodegradation of the target molecule. Often these organisms have non flocculating nature and thus their retention in the reactor is a challenging task due to frequent wash out because of poor settling. This wash out results in very low removal efficiencies, lower process stability and thus lower reactor loading for suspended growth systems resulting in very large reactor volumes associated with bulking and other problems.

Nitrification of Industrial wastewater

Over the past few decades, more and more stringent standards are being enforced for the industries generating effluents with high organic and inorganic nitrogen. Biochemical nitrification of industrial wastewater is a two step process involving two different types of micro organisms. These microorgnisms have low cell yield and poor flocculating properties. Moreover, these micro organisms are sensitive to environmental conditions within the reactor e.g. pH, salinity, presence of toxic and inhibitory substances and COD:N ratios. Due to complex nature of industrial effluents, achieving stable nitrification is often a challenge due to frequent wash outs and inhibition effects of the wastewater matrix itself. Application of Levapor Technology allows for retention of very high amount of nitrification biomass within the biological reactor. Carbon impregnation and inner porosity of Levapor carriers also provides protection against toxic shock loads, changing hydraulic and organic loading conditions under a wide range of physico chemical properties specific to industrial effluents.

Upgradation of existing activated sludge

In contrast to conventional approach, Levapor IFAS upgradation of existing activated sludge doesn’t require construction of additional basins and clarifiers. Instead by adding Levapor carriers to existing basins at 12-15 % volumetric filling ratio, existing plant biomass /MLSS can be significantly increased to meet the higher treatment requirement. Almost any activated sludge process configurations can be converted in to Levapor IFAS based process to achieve higher treatment capacity

Bio trickling Filter (BTF) for polluted Air treatment

Air pollution control through biotrickling filter treatment of pollutants like H2S, VOC, Mercaptans etc present in the polluted air or gas is widely recognized and acceptable technology for air purification. The process utilizes micro organisms for the bio chemical oxidation of the pollutants present in the air to less harmful byproducts which are easier to handle and less harmful to the receiving environment. Thus, compared to conventional chemical scrubbers used for air purification, biological solutions are much attractive and economical.

Ammonia Nitrogen Removal in Recirculating Aqua Culture System (RAS)

For the Reduction of Ammonia nitrogen from the Recirculating Aquaculture Systems water, different carriers based biofilters or MBBRs are utilized for the biological nitrification of the Ammonia present in the RAS water.

Levapor carriers based biofilters/MBBRs provide the most efficient and economical reduction of total Ammonia present in the water for Recirculating Aquaculture Systems.

The high surface area, adsorption capacity due to activated carbon and fine pore structure of Levapor carriers provide distinct advantages compared to conventional plastic carriers for RAS system such as :

  • Smaller foot print
  • Quick Process Start up
  • Lowest possible Ammonia levels in the treated effluent
  • Higher amount of Simultaneous Nitrification and Denitrification (SNDN) offering lowest TAN load in the recirculating water

What are the specific applications of Levapor technology for wastewater treatment?

What are the advantages of Levapor Technology?

Which are the key industries Levapor technology can be utilized?

Our team of experts has extensive experience in developing process solutions for a wide range of industries having most complex nature of wastewater. With our indepth research and practice oriented test based approach to develop full scale solutions for your needs, you can be assured for optimal biological solution for your specific effluents.