waste water treatment

Design Parameters finalization and Basic Engineering Package

“Science is about knowing, Engineering is about doing. ”- Henry Petroski

Once pilot testing and experimentation phase has confirmed the process concept and outcome, We utilize the data collected during pilot testing to establish design parameters for engineering the proposed process scheme. We finally then penned down the complete basic engineering package which includes detailed, site specific engineering of each component required for the successful implementation of the proposed process.


Benefit of Service

  • Well proven and tested process solutions which delivers results under all conditions
  • Reduced CAPEX because of practically derived designs
  • Reduced OPEX due to fine tuning of process operating window well before full scale operation
  • Lower process upsets during operations due to attention given to specific problems disturbing the process and performance
  • Well trained operational staff because of extensive training and know how gained about the proposed process during pilot testing and also further reinforced during plant start up , commissioning and operational period
  • Smoother and Faster process start up and commissioning reducing the downtime for full scale implementation and thus overall project costs.

More Information

Whether you require solution for your new upcoming municipal and industrial effluent treatment projects or looking for upgrading existing treatment facilities for better removal efficiencies or higher treatment capabilities, We are always happy to serve your needs for the project.

Our dedicated team of professionals will help you to solve your wastewater treatment problems through their systematic , research oriented approach . Our team ensures that each solution derived delivers the results as per the expectations.

Professional team

Our highly professional team will ensure that each aspects of your wastewater management has been considered while deriving optimum solutions for your requirement resulting in a final process design which delivers results under all conditions.

Time bound Project Completion

Because of our highly experience and professional team, We deliver the project within the specified time limits for the project rendering clients lower overheads for the implementation of the wastewater management and help them reap the benefits of well engineered process solutions for their requirement.

Call Us on

+91 74050 56112